Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hope this one flys

Greetings out there.

I blog because I feel what many others felt, that I would like to say something. Offering my 2 cents on what's up with my country - Malaysia, as well as asking what's up with my country. I do not know if it is going to help anyone, but hey, to borrow from Patrick's blog phrase, it maybe therapeutic for myself. Who knows, I can live longer for a few hours for every 5 posts that I do. Those few hours are priceless to me, if I am able to see my wife, Shannon (even quarelling is okay), my little ones, En and Hui (for now, 10 years down the road I am not too sure) and my loved ones.

I don;t know if this blog will be about my country only, possibly about my life, possibly about my friends, my work, my business or whatever. I shall play by ear, and see where this will lead me.

So here goes, on the road to nowhere.

Jack Ng
Kunta Kinte